Information about the Center

Child Development Center

The WWU Child Development Center (CDC) participates in the State's Early Achiever's Quality Rating and Improvement program.  We provide high quality care and education for children of student parents and working professionals of Western Washington University. Tuition for student families is based on income and is subsidized by the Associated Students. The CDC serves 56 children ages 2-5 each quarter. The program manager and teaching staff provide a safe and healthy environment for young children, supporting the social/emotional, physical, and intellectual growth of each child.

The CDC also supports students interested in careers in early childhood education by providing a place for service learning projects, classroom observations, practicum and internship experiences as well as educational outreach activities. Parents benefit from special events for the entire family and participation in a parent advisory board. The CDC is not only child centered, but family centered, meeting the special needs of student parents and welcoming parent involvement in the center.

Our Mission and Goals

Every child enrolled in the WWU Child Development Center (WWU CDC) is treated with respect and compassion in an inclusive environment. Our goal is to engage children while fostering family partnerships that promote the optimal development of the whole children within the community, and to deliver curriculum and services that promote self-reliance and resiliency while actively pursuing justice and equity in our policies, practices, and impacts. In partnerships with the university, we cultivate a community of educators through practicum and internship opportunities while supporting the diverse needs of individual children and their families.

Current Openings

We are currently at capacity for the Child Development Center but we encourage you to complete and submit an application to be placed on our waitlist. Complete an application today.